Our Story
Wonderful Early Beginnings Inc. (W.E.B.) is a women's and children's non-profit organization co-founded and
co-owned by its Co-Chief Executive Officers: Ms. Lucie Pineda and Ms. Irene Lihau-N’kanza, who both have a combined 30+ years of professional experience in the field of Social Work and Health, along with Ms. Ana Coyle: CEO Executives’ Assistant & Co-Owner, who also has about 15+ years of experience as a professional Health Worker and has diligently worked under Lucie Pineda’s management and supervision throughout the years as a Bilingual Health Worker.
At W.E.B., it is our goal to provide an empowering environment to build a foundation of personal growth and
self-sufficiency while creating a safe, healthy and nurturing community in which children can thrive.
Our team of multi-disciplinary professionals provide comprehensive and integrated services for the maternal and child health of women and children living in Harlem, New York. Since the early 90s, we've been offering education, consultation and parent training on child rearing and child health with programs offered at no charge to all mothers. We inform, educate and empower the mothers of our city with the tools they need to make a difference.

Our Mission
To ensure the health and well-being of women, infants, children, and their families, while committed to assisting, helping, educating, and empowering underserved and immigrant women of Child Bearing, Preconception, Childbirth, Interoception Postpartum, Maternal Health, Infant Mortality & Neo-Natal Death Prevention.

Our Core Values
To treat all of our clients who come through our doors with Respect, Dignity, Integrity and Compassion, without any: Racial, Religious, Gender, Sexual Orientation, or Sexual Definition Biases as our aim and goal is to serve anyone located in New York City and in New York City’s Greater Areas who are in need of and who are eligible for our services.

Our Visions
Through Wonderful Early Beginnings Inc., we envision encompassing a wide range of Social Determinants, to widely contribute to altering and reversing High-Risk Pregnancies, Infant and Maternal Mortalities as well as Neonatal Deaths and Premature Births Outcomes of our clients, which include but are not limited to the: Health, Social, Financial, and Environmental Challenges, Barriers and Factors our underserved and immigrant populations face on a daily basis such as:
• Lack of Healthcare and Medical Insurance Support
• Poor Healthcare Access
• Lack of Case Management and Immigration, Daycare and Housing Referrals
• Lack of Educational Informed Knowledge about Preconception, Prenatal, Interconception, and Postpartum Health
• Lack of and Poor Social Service Access
• Lack of and Poor Access of Childbirth Support
• Lack of and Poor Support of Reproductive Life Planning
• Lack of and Poor Support of Benefits such as: WIC and Food Stamps
• Lack of Parenting, Domestic Violence and Rape
and Sexual Assault Education & Knowledge
In addition, Wonderful Early Beginnings Inc. focuses on facilitating referrals for Housing, Public Assistance, WIC, Counseling, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Health Education, Immigration, and Legal Services. Wonderful Early Beginnings Inc. also provides escorts to health and social services appointments, as well as workshops such as Trauma, Parenting, Breastfeeding, Safe Sleep, Reproductive Life Planning, Educational, Financial, and other pertinent health workshops through our culturally multilingual diverse team of qualified professionals, who understand the complex ramifications and intricacies of our clients' needs and who implement empathy and compassion every day in order to best serve our clients and their families in its entirety!
Working with the best clients and partners